Job Details: Sage Advocacy: Calls for Expressions of Interest

Irish Future
Talbot Street
Dublin 1
Sage Advocacy: Calls for Expressions of Interest


Sage Advocacy is the National Advocacy Service for Older People and is
currently extending its services to meet the needs of survivors of
institutional abuse. Since it was established in **Apply on the
website**, with the support of the HSE and The Atlantic
Philanthropies, it has built a strong reputation for independence of
thought and action and is a ‘go to’ service in relation to issues
of capacity and decision making. It provided information, support,
independent advocacy and safeguarding to over 8,**Apply on the
website** people in * and its systemic advocacy
work has had an important influence in addressing underlying issues
commonly experienced by those we serve. Our motto is: ‘Nothing about
you / without you’.


Arising from our work linked to the Assisted Decision Making
(Capacity) Acts and the needs of Survivors of Institutional Abuse, and
in the context of emerging legislation regarding adult safeguarding
and deprivation of liberty in places of care, Sage is seeking
expressions of interest for a person to lead and develop the work of
our Legal Support Unit on a full-time basis and provide legal support
to our Information & Support Service, our Regional Advocates and to
our case management, service management, safeguarding and complaints
structures. The Unit will not provide legal support directly to
Expressions of interest are now invited from people with relevant
legal skills and experience, a strong vocational commitment and an
ability to lead, manage and supervise a small team of paid staff and
volunteers. Initial expressions of interest should be sent to **Apply
on the website** and there will then be an opportunity to engage in a
process of discussion. The closing date is Friday **Apply on the
website**th August.


Arising from significant growth in the demand for our services, with a
related need to process significant levels of sensitive data in an
environment in which personal empowerment and safeguarding are
important considerations, Sage is seeking expressions of interest in
the role of Information Systems Coordinator. The post holder will work
alongside the Unit Lead and external providers and will support them
in securing and protecting the cloud-based systems and data of Sage
staff and volunteers involved in governance structures and in ensuring
effective and timely support with all ICT devices. As a publicly
funded service there is a need to anticipate and manage cybersecurity
challenges from a range of sources and to provide assurance to
funders, clients and the wider public that Sage is working to meet the
highest possible cybersecurity and data protection standards. Initial
expressions should be sent to * and there will
then be an opportunity to engage in a process of discussion. The
closing date is Friday *th August.

We need : English (Good)

Type: Permanent
Category: Others

Apply for this Job Offer
Name: (*) 
Email: (*) 
Phone: (*) 
Please Provide a Cover in the English Language.
CV: (*) 
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